Monday, December 14, 2009

Snow Bunny

One dear little bun got to experience the joys of bounding in the snow. Unfortunately, he was none to pleased.

At first Mooki was a little curious.

He wondered what snow tasted like.

Soon, however, Mooki decided snow was far to cold for a house rabbit.

Sick of being cold, Mooks made pitiful faces at his mom.

Thankfully, she knew just what he needed.

"Mom!? I said I wanted to get warm, not get a hug!" *thump*

Mooki's Bunspace:

Friday, December 11, 2009


Wow! I can't believe it's been two months. Honestly I didn't forget about you all, just super busy.

Anyway have some Saige:

Asleep, Saige looks like the sweetest little boy.

Awake, Saige is a very curious little bunny.

But Beware! He really, really hates cameras.

The reason? Saige is an escaped conbun, afraid of being recognized and sent back to the slammer.

Saige's Bunspace:

Friday, October 16, 2009

19th Century Mustache

Nutmeg, your little mustache is so adorable!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Yummy Nutmeg

Check out this cuteness, with her "Would you like a spot o' tea?" whiskers, and teensy little paws. Nutmeg is giving us the ultimate puppy dog (bunny rabbit?) eyes.
She just wants to know, "Why can't I have some hay?"
We all know your heart is melting. You can feel it.

Nutmeg's bunspace:

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Common Interests

I'm pretty sure that Foo's mom and I share common interests. For example:
I love bunny tails!

And happy bunnies sleeping on their backs with adorable teeth showing doing the YMCA dance:

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I'm back! Have some Flapjacks.

Flapjack's Bunspace:

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I'm just letting all (five) of you know, that I will update againg soon. I am in the process of moving, and am very short on time at the present moment.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


For all you on bunspace, Trinket passed today. The story of her last few moments can be found at her blog: Tinkie's. I actually cried.

Here are some pictures of Trinket, that was taken on Wednesday:

And here is her memorial:

Friday, August 7, 2009

"the bomb" dropped the bomb on me Sadie.

Grandpa Sadie is the farting bunny on youtube:

Sadie's bunspace:

Scoobie's Bunspace:
RIP Scoobie

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Mooki!

Mooki's birthday was yesterday. Hoppy Birthday! Check out that cake:

Mooki's Bunspace:

Monday, August 3, 2009


Is she the sweetest looking bun, or what?

Rosina's Bunspace:

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Husbun in Trouble

"I’d heard about them on “Oprah,” and some of the girls down at Marcelle’s Salon made jokes about them, but nothing prepared me for the day my husband told me he was … a plushie.

“It’s just something I have to do,” he said, “it’s part of who I am.” I tried to accept it, but the thought of Bob fantasizing about plush animals, even dressing up as one? It all seemed so weird. But with patience and counseling, we worked past our pain, and now our marriage is stronger than ever."

This was shamelessly stolen from, but how can any one resist this lil' bun? The post can be found here:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Grumpy Nanner

I fink there is something wrong with this nanner. Yesh, I sware it.

Charlie, from bunspace.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Grooming For Take Off

Just watch as this cute lil' baby bun with the teenist air plane ears grooms itself. The vid is only 34 seconds long. How can you resist?

Sadly, this little bunny named Bailey passed in 2008 at 2yrs old due to jaw abscesses.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sweetest Art

Did you know that you can commission a painting from the owner of LOLbunnies and Guinea Pig Jamboree? No? Well you can just visit for more info.

Here's some of the amazing art you can get for only $10:

Saturday, July 25, 2009

O, Trinket!

For those of you who haven't heard, Trinket is an amazing little netherland dwarf. She has had a very long battle with E. Cuniculi, and may be in her last few days. The hopes and prayers of bunspace are with her. She just needs to hang on long enough to get her daddy home (he is a long haul trucker).

Here is the song "Ode to Trinket," written by a fellow bunspacer. It holds true for much of bunspace.

I recommend checking Trinket's blog Tinkie's for her full story. It might just make you cry.

Trinket's youtube channel is aloradesigns. Trinket gets her Wheels is absolutely adorable, and Mischief with Gracie and Puds will show your buns aren't quite as destructive as you once thought.

Trinket's bunspace
will let you know just how loved she is, with the thousands of comments and well wishes she has amassed.

Best wishes, Trinket! I hope you get to smooch your daddy again.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Love Story

Ever heard Love Story by Taylor Swift? If not I recommend youtubing it. It's a sickly sweet modern Romeo and Juliet kind of thing.

Here is Trudi's Love Story

Isn't it the sweetest thing? I'll be the first to admit that the buns are not always understandable, so double click the vid and you will be taken to youtube, where the lyrics are in the more info box.

Oh yeah, I might have stolen this from LOL Bunnies. lol.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Who doesn't love cake?

Cake? Do you love cake? I love cake! What would make a cake great? A bunny of course!

Here is an adorable little bunny cake:

I know it's a tad late (early?) for Easter, but you gotta love this sweet little bunny's 'tocks.

Now I don't think I could eat either of these cakes...maybe I could craft a poly clay version and just look at them?

The cakes were found at Now you may be wondering, how something so sweet could come from a site called Cake "Wrecks?" The truth is that they post good cakes once a week. All the rest are delightfully embarrassing, odd, funny, insulting, etc. I highly recommend browsing the site, as I have found many laughs in the archives.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How to Cut a Bunny's Nails

This morning I received an accidental, albeit nasty, scratch from Sunny. Upon closer examination, I realized Sunny's nails were quite long and needed a good trim. After some googling I came up with this youtube video that explains the tools and techniques needed to trim a bunny's nails.

The trim was a success! I didn't even have one bleeder. Now that Sunny is a healthier bunny, I just wonder when she is going to come out from her favorite cardboard box and quit pouting.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Bouncing Cottontail

Okay, so the past few weeks I've been watching two little cottontails grow up in my back yard. Every evening they come out to play. The run and binky, do somersaults, and even run face first into the side of an outbuilding. (I never said they were smart cottontails.)

This morning one of them was sitting by my car door as I walked out to go to class. He/she looked at me, took three hops back, turned around, and watched until I started my car. Then she darted off leaving me to watch a little white tail bouncing in the distance.

In honor of the sweet little guys I'll leave you with some adorable pics of the Eastern Cottontail.

Images taken from Why does google insist an Eastren Cottontail is the same thing as a Snowshoe Hare!?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

An Unusual Adoption

Okay, so I know this story has been around the net the few times, most recently featured on cute overload, but it's so sweet. I thought that I would share just in case you haven't seen.

"An animal rescue helped save three baby bunnies that were attacked by a dog and orphaned. The clinic workers noticed that a one-legged homing pigeon that also resided at the clinic began watching the babies through their cage and even sleeping just outside the cage door.

”Then suddenly, there were only two bunnies in the cage. To everyone’s surprise there was the tiny bunny under Noah’s wing sound asleep! That little bunny rabbit had crawled through the cage, preferring a featherbed!”

Now Noah, the pigeon looks after the bunnies and makes sure they are warm and well-cuddled."

Story was retrieved form

Nose wiggles,
Becca and Sunny

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Sunny Welcome

Hello all!

Today is officially my first day blogging. The point of this blog is to celebrate bunnies! I am going to attempt to post something bunnyish everyday, whether it be a cute anecdote about my rabbit -Sunflower- a bunny article, or even a picture copied from the bunspace cpc game, lol bunnies, or disproving rabbits.

I'll start y'all off with a cute picture of my baby Sunny sleeping. This picture actually made the 2010 Bunspace calendar:

and after the flash:

Nose Bonks,

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