Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Sunny Welcome

Hello all!

Today is officially my first day blogging. The point of this blog is to celebrate bunnies! I am going to attempt to post something bunnyish everyday, whether it be a cute anecdote about my rabbit -Sunflower- a bunny article, or even a picture copied from the bunspace cpc game, lol bunnies, or disproving rabbits.

I'll start y'all off with a cute picture of my baby Sunny sleeping. This picture actually made the 2010 Bunspace calendar:

and after the flash:

Nose Bonks,

Websites used or mentioned in this post:

1 comment:

  1. dear sweet becca! i am so sorry i missed your first day, but i am SO glad i'm your first comment!

    welcome to the bunosphere!

    we love celebrating everything bunny and if i forget to stop by, you feel free to come on by and give me a strong reminder.

    love the start can't wait for more, and i'm so excited about your yard bunnies!!!

    xox 'alice'
